Search Results for: what is HOC

HOCl cleaning solution

STERLOC 100PPM (1L+ 4X100ML)

Combo offering compactness, effectiveness, and contentment - One for You, One for Them - IndiaSterlocked! <h6 class="product-offer">17% OFF</h6>

HOCl spray


A Hygiene Product For You <-> A Hygiene Product For Them

disinfectant spray for kitchen


A Huge Combo With Huge Benefits <h6 class="product-offer">10% OFF</h6>

HOCL Sanitizer

How To Be An Expert At Using Sanitizer?

Do you really need to be an expert at using sanitizer? Why? It became a part of life after the pandemic, still, we consider it a daily chore. The strange and, by default, says that daily chores are not the tasks that require expertise. Believe me; this is not the case when you use a […]


How Does A Sanitizer Work?

How many times have you used hand sanitizer since now? Probably more than 1000 times! But what if I ask you how a sanitizer works? Would you be able to give an appropriate answer? Well, not for sure. The methodology or the process of a sanitizer is a topic that is always less talked about. […]


What Happens If You Drink Sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer is a great way to get rid of germs. But what happens if you drink it? Nobody will do it intentionally, but what if it happens? There is no specific scientific case study to share on drinking sanitizer effects, but we all have a hazy idea in mind that it is dangerous to […]

Toilet Seat Sanitizer

Is There Any Specific Toilet Seat Sanitizer?

Can you use a regular sanitizer on the toilet seat? Honestly saying there is no single-word answer to this question. It would be best if you went a little more in-depth. It depends upon the type of sanitizer that you have. Before we discuss the sanitizer types and compare them, we need to know something […]

3 Reasons Why Your Sanitizer Never Works Out the Way You Plan

We all plan out things, but things never go the same way. The same happens when you plan to use a sanitizer, but it becomes ineffective. In the worse case, rather than effectiveness, a sanitizer will show up side effects on your body. Why does this happen? Do you want to know the actual reason? […]

Things Experts Never Tell You About Alcohol-based Sanitizer

Do we need to consult with an expert before using a hand sanitizer? Maybe it is not a matter of concern for you now, but it was a concern during the pandemic. Why? Because we were worried about our health, does that mean worry is the only thing that pushes us to rethink our health? […]


How Is Every Chemical Not Harmful?

You drink an average glass of water, eat some cheese or have a burger with ketchup, and even the simplest of pleasures such as cooking foods at home exposes you to dozens of chemicals. But not all chemicals are bad for you. Some are good for the human body. We are exposed to safe as […]