
What Does Ayurveda Say About Infections?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian scripture about health and life sciences, but still, it is valid and applicable in modern times. However, current-day science is far away from this ancient science. That’s why we don’t know what Ayurveda says about the modern-day problems.

You may wonder and say, “Are you sure?”. Are there solutions available in the Ayurveda for modern-day problems? Yes, of course, they are available. Infections like Covid-19 are the most recent health crisis we humans faced globally. Modern-day science has tackled this situation successfully (till now). But success came after so much trial-and-error. Now it becomes more interesting to see what Ayurveda says about the infections that even troubled modern-day science.

Development of Microorganisms

Bacteria are microorganisms, and their development is mentioned in Ayurveda. The “Sushruta Samhita” part of the Ayurveda mentions how microorganisms are developed, and the same theory applies to the development and spread of infections.

According to “Sushruta Samhita”, some factors play a significant role in the birth & growth (development) of any microorganism. These factors are Ambu (water), Kshetra (field), Beeja (seed), & Ritu (season).

In terms of communicable diseases, the human body is Kshetra (field) where microorganisms will grow. Beeja (seed) can be an infective agent, Ambu (water) is nutritional support to an infective agent & last but not the least, Ritu (season) is the environment that is suitable for the infective agent’s growth. Without these factors, no pathogens can develop and spread in-between humans.

Disinfection In Ayurveda

Now, Ayurveda has clearly and scientifically proved how pathogens develop and spread in-between humans. The theory is simple and all the factors mentioned are actual. Now, what about the disinfection? Is there any solution provided by Ayurveda to avoid infections?

Well, yes, there are multiple options. Ayurveda defines communicable diseases or infections as Aupasargika Roga. Here is how these diseases can be prevented.


Before the ayurvedic treatment for infections, there are some prevention tips. These Ayurvedic prevention tips are essential for preventing infectious diseases such as Covid-19. In the prevention stage, Ayurveda guides through a few healthy practices.

  • Prasanga (Mutual Contact):

It is avoiding any mutual contact at different points with others.

  • Gatrasansparsha (touching):

Washing hands after suspicious touches is prescribed as an essential practice in Ayurveda.


Now let’s come to the Ayurvedic treatment for the infections. Following are the major ones to consider:

  • Panchkarma

Ayurveda has Panchkarma to make the human body free from different pathogens at different levels. Panchakarma, where “PANCHA” means Five and “KARMA” means procedures. There are five procedures to make your body clean and free of many pathogens and toxins.

These five procedures include Vaman (a way to clear out the toxins from inside and outside of the body), Virechan (a way to clear toxins from the bowels), Basti (detoxification of intestines), Nasya (purification of the head via nostrils), & Raktamokshan (detoxification and cleansing of the blood).

  • Rasayana

Rasayana is a rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. In this therapeutic procedure, the human body’s (Kshetra) immunity is rebuilt with the help of a healthy diet, nutrition, etc.

Bottom Line!

Everything is clearly mentioned in Ayurveda, from the development of the pathogens to their prevention and then purification of the body. Procedures may differ from modern-day science, but the ultimate goal is always the same: to protect your body from infections.

-Pankaj Rai

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